Donations Request

Thank you for your recent request to have Big Bounce Fun House Rentals at your worthy event. We appreciate the inquiry and look forward to supporting your cause. Unfortunately, we receive so many requests that we can not help everyone. It is by policy that we ask you to fill out your request and submit it back to us by January 31, 2023 for any upcoming events in 2023. In February 2023, our board will meet and pick three events that we will donate a percentage of our services and products for that current year.

We do salute people as yourself who are working and volunteer to such worthy events. Please do ask how we can help you fund raise or how we can help in small ways. It is our goal to help out everyone in small ways, such as silent donation items. Or for any event over 500 people we can offer concessions or tattoos with a 30% return to your group.

Please ask for details.

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If you are taking measurements for a structure such as a building or fence, please provide the height of the structure here. If height does not apply to the wash, for instance for a gutter wash, leave this field empty. Please note if you enter a value here after taking measurements, you will need to take measurements again.